
About Us

Great passions for all things in the Turkey Woods
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The turkey woods is our home where great battles are won and lost, where grand experiences are the expected norm. It is the inspired focus of our literary and media efforts!

Mike Joyner

Joyner Outdoor Media was launched in 2006 by author Mike Joyner. The idea of branding and handling publishing tasks came about after releasing Mike's first book "Hills of Truxton" in 2005.

Located in the hills above one of the picturesque seven valleys in Cortland County, NY, our creative works are crafted from a wonderful log home situated in prime turkey woods. It provides much inspiration as a daily reprieve from a "amps on 11' life.

We are a publisher dedicated to the turkey hunter experience, wild turkey conservation, the great turkey woods, and wild turkey records. We offer turkey hunting themed, hunting related topics, and inspired human experience titles.

Commentary, opinions, and reviews are also offfered on our blog, and our social media pages.

Joyner Outdoor media publishes all current works by Mike Joyner, in addition to suppporting marketing campaigns, media projects, event scheduling etc.

To those that have sat in a large understory of tall maples or the natural amphitheater of a secluded ridge while listening to a thundering gobbler, no further explanation is required.

As to other less fortunate souls, our goal is to convey in print and truthfully any medium, the awesome outdoor experience in the turkey woods.

The company provides author services such as cover design, content formatting, publishing submission, and marketing materials design. Inquire for further details


May all your days be grand in the turkey woods.

Mike Joyner
Founder, CEO

Gobble Gobble!

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Founder Musings

Overcoming a worthy adversary such as an old boss gobbler is a satisfaction and sense of achievement like no other. At the same time, the moment of truth brings us to terms with the natural world. As the hunt is concluded, we reflect on the harvest of one of God creatures.

Such events, grand and profound as they may be, are secondary to those days spent with good friends and family in the turkey woods.

Mike Joyner

Founder Musings

Every now and again, one comes across an individual that makes a significant impact and contribution to their fellow man, industry, or in a given vocation or noble pursuit. In our beloved passion of chasing wild turkeys, D.D. Adams is indeed one of those individuals to greatly impart his talents and methods. In my opinion much to our mutual benefit.

Mike Joyner

Founder Musings

Each morning that we awake is a blessing in of itself. To experience and enjoy the miracles of life each day I believe is essential to a happier life. I have found those early spring mornings sitting in the forests as the sun rises, to be my better days.

After hearing the first thundering gobbles of an early spring morning, I found to have even better days.

Mike Joyner

Founder Musings

The sharing of a hunt between a parent and child is of great benefit to all. Days spent together in the turkey woods teaches many of life's lessons not found in most school curriculums, and does a better job on some of those that are.

Mike Joyner

Founder Musings

Balancing a chaotic life in the modern world can be easily accomplished while set up on a thundering gobbler or while waiting on the sunrise in the turkey woods. The spectacles of nature that we witness on these mornings are, in fact, very grounding."

"Each of these experiences from the awakening in the turkey woods at daybreak, to the thrill of the chase, and those moments of reflection during the long walks back to the truck come together as my grand days in the turkey woods.

Mike Joyner

Our Mission

Hunting / Conservation

In our featured works we promote the time honored turkey hunting traditions and the greater good for wildlife, that come from conservation methods.

Wild Turkey Records

We applaud and have a great interest in National Wild Turkey Federation records. We enjoy promoting wild turkey records of the great empire state of New York.

Outdoor Media

Synergistically promote the works of Mike Joyner, and other outdoor authors. Offer Authior services, landing pages, feature spots, and product/services reviews.