
Bottom Of The 3rd Quarter

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Book Details

Publisher: Joyner Outdoor Media

Date 1st Version: March, 2000

Date 10th Version: March, 12th, 2024

ISBN-13: N/A- Private Printing

Dim (PB): 6 x 0.22 x 9 inches

Format B/W Interior Color cover.

Words: 16,555

langauge: English

This is a collection of a most personal nature, of a lifetime in review, and leaving nothing unsaid to those that matter most to the author. This book is updated sometimes yearly, and will constitute the author's final published work, freely distibuted upon his passing and to be made available at his End of Life service.

While entertaining my whim of the moment, and what really has been on my mind for some time, I thought I would start out with what is most important. Coming from the following idea: If I should die today or be gone tomorrow, would those that I love or care for, know what I truly felt and thought about. It is an exercise of preparation, and a desire that I say and communicate such things deep within my heart and soul, while I am of strong mind and heart. I have a continual sense of purpose, that I have

much left to do. I don't know what God has in store for me, but I have faith that there is more that is intended for me to do. My glass is full and I look forward to many years ahead!

In the pages that follow, you will find a collection of my thoughts of what I find most important, somewhat important, and a few random thoughts. Think of it as a capture of the view from here, while I mark passing well past the half way point. My journey up to now has been complete with a lifetime's worth of joys, sorrows, highs, and lows. I have followed my heart, and done many things I could ever care to do. In that regard, no regrets. It is a most personal reflection of private thoughts to be shared first with family and loved ones upon my passing and then made available to all those who may desire to read it

Years Spanned in Writing it
Versions and Updates


I chose to believe in Holy beginnings. The mystical perceptions of God is no more a fairy tale than the impossible mathematical collisions of matter, of expansions of gases that has created all that we are aware of, all that we call the universe over the course of billions of years. We are here, and I live my life in constant awe of how fantastic it all is.

I cannot in any other perspective, view the world as I see it, participated in it, and lived this life with the firm conviction that we live by awesome creation, by design from something much greater than ourselves and cannot be fully explained from that of random alignments and a happenstance combining of a hundred thousand quadrillion vigintillion atoms, cosmic dust if you will.


I can assure each of you, that I will not have wandered off the planet, this life, an unfulfilled man. I have done so many things. I have from early beginnings followed my heart. What I had ever hoped for in love I eventually gained tenfold… I do wish the same for each of you.


I am satisfied in my human arrogance that what I believe is our souls, our feelings, our thoughts, are what makes life so special, far beyond what is collectively described by the sciences.



The End, Not Quite Yet

Beginnings- Family

Early Adult Years, Bottom of the 2nd Quarter

Adult Years, Top of the 2nd Quarter

Adult Years, Bottom of the 3rd Quarter


The View From Here

Final Wishes