Publisher: Joyner Outdoor Media
Date: April 18, 2023
PB ISBN-13: 979-8388978059
HC ISBN-13: 979-8388979094
LOCC# 2023906151
Dim (PB): 9 x 6 x 0.5 inches
BW interior, Color cover.
Words: 20,251
langauge: English
A collection of personal opinions, reflections, and epiphanies gained from decades of hands-on living. A worldview fully grounded in compassion and sound reasoning is expressed that in stark contrast, refutes common false narratives perpetuated by the far left, academia, and a sympathetic media that has abandoned professional journalism in favor of activism and influencer self-gratification. We are over-saturated with utopian thesis-driven views formulated in a vacuum, and regurgitated in never-ending echo chambers.
The latest offering from the author is a unique departure from his well-known outdoor book titles. A random glimpse into the thoughts, and observations of a left hemisphere dominant thinker. As an engineer, awarded worldwide patents, a passionate outdoorsman, and conservative by nature, these attributes are a natural fit for the project. The reader will find a frank and honest rendering of ideas and observations to ponder and consider
How Did I Arrive?
Caught Myself Today
Mom Update, It's Late
Grandpa's Rules for Dating
Never Let a Tragedy Go to Waste
Kitchen Table
Liberal, Leftist, And Democrat Privilege Dissected
A Covid Group Clarification
Have We Forgotten?
Hey, It's Me
More Important Than a Child]s Life?
Gun Violence Is a Lie
A Happy Fatheras Day
Voting Debacle In Florida
Things Are So Much Worse?
Black Lives Matter-Waking of a Sleeping Giant?
Each Day
Not My Job: I]m no Hero...
Dems Floating Door-To-Door?
Liberal Derangement Syndrome
Riots Okay? A Cracker's Perspective
My Body. My Choice
A View of Ferguson
From The Fans
Why I Carry
This Old Turkey Hunter Remembers
Impeachment? Really?
An American Crime Family
To Bear Witness
Post Fauci Genocide
A Daily Opinion