
Random Musings-Apex Collectio Opinionum

of a Left Hemisphere Trilogy
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Book Details

Publisher: Joyner Outdoor Media

Date: TBA

PB ISBN-13: 979-8861440929

HC ISBN-13: 979-8861441001


Dim (PB): 9 x 6 x 0.5 inches

BW interior, Color cover.

Words: 67,759

langauge: English

From the trilogy releases of “Random Musings of the Left Hemisphere,” “Random2 Musings -Left Hemisphere Continuum,” and “Random Musings3 -A Left Hemisphere Reveal,” The author offers this collection of what he finds to be his favored thoughts and passages. It is intended that you will find them useful to formulate your own thoughts and to resolve your conclusions as the author has found them to be instrumental in this pursuit.

As we continue to review, rationalize, and tackle some of what gnaws at us, and it is suspect it does to some extent for each of us. It is a worthy effort to go back and revisit these mental exercises in thought when something doesn’t seem to fit or conflicts with thoughts previously resolved. It is healthy and fuel for growth to give weight to questioning such matters of importance. Sometimes these matters evolve, mold, and change.  Other times it is our depth of rationalizing and understanding that has changed.

Years Spanned in Writing it
Years as a conservative

Editorial Review TBA

Reader Review TBA


Editorial Review TBA

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Chapters 1-13


Chapters 14-26


Chapters 27-39


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Author Publicity Photo

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Sentence Description
The author offers this collection of what he finds to be his favored thoughts and passages, and hopes you will find them useful to formulate your own thoughts and to resolve your conclusions.
Short Desription

From the trilogy releases of “Random Musings of the Left Hemisphere,” “Random2 Musings -Left Hemisphere Continuum,” and “Random Musings3 -A Left Hemisphere Reveal,” The author offers this collection of what he finds to be his favored thoughts and passages. It is intended that you will find them useful to formulate your own thoughts and to resolve your conclusions as the author has found them to be instrumental in this pursuit.

Long Description

a collection of the author's favorite personal opinions, reflections, and epiphanies gained from decades of hands-on living. A worldview fully grounded in compassion and sound reasoning is expressed that in stark contrast, refutes common false narratives perpetuated by the far left, academia, and a sympathetic media that has abandoned professional journalism in favor of activism and influencer self-gratification. We are over-saturated with utopian thesis-driven views formulated in a vacuum, and regurgitated in never-ending echo chambers.

The latest offering from the author is a unique departure from his well-known outdoor book titles. A random glimpse into the thoughts, and observations of a left hemisphere dominant thinker. As an engineer, awarded worldwide patents, a passionate outdoorsman, and conservative by nature, these attributes are a natural fit for the project. The reader will find a frank and honest rendering of ideas and observations to ponder and consider.