
Ten To Life

Delirium Tales Of A Covid-19 Survivor
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Book Details

Publisher: Joyner Outdoor Media

Date: June 9, 2022

PB ISBN-13: 978-8434263771

HC ISBN-13: 979-8421987598

LOCC# 2022907984

Dim (PB): 9 x 6 x 0.5 inches

Format B/W interior, Color cover.

Words: 57,898

langauge: English

A Covid -19 journey into the abyss, a recollecting of delirium, hallucinations from the far reaches of our minds created from what we consciously and subconsciously record of our five senses. Forty days were spent in four hospitals, from Syracuse, New York to Sayre, Pennsylvania, the author spent eighteen days intubated, sedated in an induced coma. At 61-years old, no significant health issues (although overweight,) a passionate outdoorsman, prior years as a runner / triathlete, suddenly found himself in the fight for his life. He was given a ten percent chance of surviving it. He nearly succumbed to it.

In his latest book, the author strives to convey what is nearly impossible to adequately describe as to how much Covid delirium magnifies our most primitive basal emotions. It is nearly paralyzing when fear, anger, regret, sense of loss enters the hallucination. It is the recollecting of this journey during my induced coma that is most difficult, and emotionally painful.

To those I hope to reach, to the families that are mired in anguish as their loved ones suffer; I hope that my testimony and recollection of my experience provides some measure of hope, some comfort as we extend ourselves in solidarity. It is a bare and honest account of my Covid delirium. My perceived lifetimes jumped back and forth, yet I felt no disconnect. All of my senses were in play, and at no time while sedated did I question all that I experienced to be anything but real. Everything was in place no matter how fantastic or bizarre it may have appeared. -Mike Joyner

I will long remember the kindness, the prayers, and the critical medical/spiritual support during my darkest hours. It is my firm belief I was brought back from the edge, given a second chance to do, to complete whatever I am meant to do in this life. I can promise without reservation that I will make good on it. -Mike Joyner

Signed copies can be purchased directly from the author. Author tips in bookmarks. Author will glady sign books purchased online in person or by mailing with return postage.

% Chance Of Survival

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Chapters 1-11

A Short Spiral To Peril

Mojave Desert Reality Show

Tumbleweed Town

Near-Fatal Rejection

Bahrain Airlines

L6 Life Sciences Division

Abducted In Indonesia

Tech Theft, Nano Particles, Senator's Treason

Listening Post, South Korea

A Most Unlikely Honor

Christmas In Flames

Chapters 12-21

Time With Cousins

Inked In Blood

The Devil's Mile

Captain Mike's Boom Stick

An Unlikely Honor, Again

North 43 Lat Road, The Betrayal

New Job, New Suit

Monster Juice, Nano God Particles Emerge

Operation Wreath 289

Merry Go Round To NYC

Red Neck Winter Land Express

Chapters 23-32

North 43 Safari

A Perfect 5th

A Little Girl’s Roses

Downward Spiral Begins

The Confrontation

Taking My Last Breath With Two Irish Setters

Helo To Baltimore

Pumpkin Pie

Deconstructing It All

The Road Of Recovery

Media Kit

Sentence Description
In his latest book, the author strives to convey what is nearly impossible to adequately describe as to how much Covid delirium magnifies our most primitive basal emotions. It is nearly paralyzing when fear, anger, regret, sense of loss enters the hallucination. It is the recollecting of this journey during my induced coma that is most difficult, and emotionally painful.
Short Desription
A Covid -19 journey into the abyss, a recollecting of delirium, hallucinations from the far reaches of our minds created from what we consciously and subconsciously record of our five senses. Forty days were spent in four hospitals, from Syracuse, New York to Sayre, Pennsylvania, the author spent eighteen days intubated, sedated in an induced coma. At 61-years old, no significant health issues (although overweight,) a passionate outdoorsman, prior years as a runner / triathlete, suddenly found himself in the fight for his life. He was given a ten percent chance of surviving it. He nearly succumbed to it.
Long Description

A Covid -19 journey into the abyss, a recollecting of Covid delirium, hallucinations from the far reaches of the mind created from what we consciously and subconsciously record of our five senses. Forty days were spent in four hospitals, from Syracuse, NY to Sayre, PA, the author was intubated eighteen days, sedated in an induced coma. Facing a ten percent chance of surviving it, he found himself in the fight for his life.

In his latest book, the author conveys the intensity of how Covid delirium magnifies our most primitive basil emotions. It is nearly paralyzing when fear, anger, regret, sense of loss is experienced during the delirium.

To those I hope to reach, to the families that are mired in anguish as their loved ones suffer; I hope that my testimony and recollection of my experience provides some measure of hope, some comfort as we extend ourselves in solidarity. It is a bare and honest account of my Covid delirium. My perceived lifetimes jumped back and forth, yet I felt no disconnect. At no time while sedated did I question all that I experienced to be anything but real. Everything was in place no matter how fantastic or bizarre it may have appeared.—Mike Joyner

Author Interview

Question:: What type of book is it?

Author: It is a bit of a hybrid. The beginning of it and the end is non-fiction. From the second chapter "Mojave Desert Reality Show" up to the chapter "Pumpkin Pie" it's a non-fictional recounting of fiction. A long way of saying A first person account of Covid-19 Delirium / Hallucainations

Question: What can readers of your other books expect to find different in this one?

Author: This unexpected book is a stark departure from my turkey hunting story books.It has in common my personal voicing, what I feel is an honest interpretation of what I experience. I gravitate my writings to resemble how I talk, although not in keeping with formal english, it is more personal as I hear it read back to me.

Question: What motivated you to write it?

Author: My recall of deleirum is so vivid, disturbing, frightening and accutely clear, that I would not not tell a soul for some time after being brought back. I am not a fearful man, in my delirium it was something polar opposite. I finally disclosed 98% of it to my wife, a few weeks after coming home. 2% I will never tell another living soul. I had no intentions of writing a book. A good friend of mine, Rob Newman knew of a short piece I wrote, that I deem as bearing witness, literally got at me and told me point blank that I needed to do this. That it would help others, that he knew of others scared to death of what they experienced. I would come to learn as to how true it was, and he was right in "encouraging" me to do so.

Question: How did you contract Covid

Author: We truly don't know. My wife does home health care as a occupational therapist and we were read up on and followed mask, distancing protocols. We hadn't taken the vaccine due to all the media and gov't manipulation which in hindsight was a considerable deception of what was and what wasn't manipulated/misrepresented or not disclosed by deceptive means. Had they just come straight out with it, rather than the vax shaming and fascist approaches, many more may have survived. After coming home, my risk assessment/outlook deemed I needed the vaccine as another go of it as I just went through would likely be my demise.

Question: Are you an anti-vaxer?

Author: Not at all, I had all my childhood vaccines, and proven adult vaccines. I did have a terrible experience with a flu vaccine in my 30s. Had the goverment laid out that the vaccine would not prevent you from spreading it, or contracting it but upped survival rates and not suppressed data on side effects/deaths from it, then it would have been a risk assessment decision without all the shaming or rhetoric.

Question: Have you fully recovered??

Author: Mostly recovered, maybe 80% There are some long term issues with fatigue, funny gritty sensations in my mouth, severe hair loss, I had long hair since the age of 15, and a high and tight haircut is were it's at. I have to keep working at it, and lung function came back from 57% to 97%. I am one of the fortunate ones as I know of others that suffer greatly from long term issues and had close friends succumb to this virus.

Question: With your profound experience, has it changed things for you?

Author: In reading chapters- Taking My Last Breath With Two Irish Setters and Pumkin Pie, My readers will get a sense of what has changed in my world view. I am more than just lucky to be alive, and it is clear to me that I am meant for something I need to do in this life. I assume it is in service to others, my maker. I certainly appreciate so many things and with much more intensity.

Question: How long did it take to write the book?

Author: With such vivid recal, a total of three weeks. It was spread over time as I would be overcome emotionally and have to set it asside for a few days, sometimes a week or two

Question: What can we expect next?

Author: I have many other book projects in various stages of completion. Have a near death experience such as this, the impetus to complete them is much more pressing.

Question: What offerings will there be, and where can they be purchased?

Author: The book is out in trade paperback. hardcover, kindle, and audiobook.The book in each offering is available online at amazon.com.