
Tales From The Roost

Roost'n Time Tales
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Book Details

Publisher: Joyner Outdoor Media

Date: April 8, 2025

PB ISBN-13: 979-8371538499

HC ISBN-13: 979-8371538765

LOCC# 2023900847

Dim (PB): 9 x 6 x 0.5 inches

Format B/W interior, Color cover.

Words: 53,338

langauge: English

There has been no shortage of grand experiences since the release of “Grand Days in the Turkey Woods.” Although the years pass by noticeable faster than the years prior, my hair is a touch more grey, my step is slightly shorter. My time in the grand turkey woods to this day yields so many more experiences to share. In no perceivable way has that experience diminished. As others have spoken in admission, as a gobbler is soon to show himself, my heart races to maximum BPM, nearly skipping a beat. The day that no longer occurs would be well served if at a future date, long after my passing.

I hope that as you read through my musings that I adequately put you there at the tree I sit at and paint a picture that you can easily frame from your own time chasing these feathered monarchs. For those of you that have not spent time in the turkey woods, I'll do my best to instill a desire, a pressing need to be there in person. It might be bold, even assuming to assert that you will be forever changed. I have

confidence that you may never look back and become a member of the tenth legion.

I titled this collection of stories after all the fun conversations with hunting partners while engaged in the time honored practiced of roosting gobblers in the spring and turkey flocks in the fall. Much like the trips to the diner after a morning hunt, meeting up at the back end of a pickup truck at a logging road gate, the conversations are priceless in my view. In each of the previous turkey hunting story books and as with this one, it has been a determined effort to tell these stories in the same manner and voicing as I would in conversation at camp, while working up battle plans with intel from roosting and in anticipation for the next hunt. It is much the same the following morning while drinking far too much coffee, with the aroma of fried eggs and burnt toast in the air. A visit to the diner is something you can easily talk me into at a moments notice.

Years Spanned in Writing it
Years Spanned in the Turkey Woods

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Chapters 1-12

A London Fog Mother’s Day

A Grande Safari

Deer Creek Gobbler

Whack O’ Mole

A Maine Evening Gobbler

Gumbo Ranch Showdown At Fort McKavett

Fat Lady Sings… In New York

George, Gobbler From Ohio

Texas Cold Front Gobblers!

Jolly Johnny Gobbler

Maryland Bottomland Gobblers

Public Works Park Strutter

Chapters 13-23

Time On Gilbert’s Ridge

Chautauqua County Hat Trick

Wiggle Butt Hen

Late Season One Cluck

Highway Logger Gobbler

Cuyler Public Bad Boy

Texas Linebacker

Sweet Talking In The Rain

Mad As Hell Hen

Last Call On Mueller Hill

A Rafter Of Gobblers

Chapters 24-34

A Grand Missouri Hunt


Five Minute Strutter

Last Day, Late For Breakfast

A Tribute To Our Grey Ghosts

Sneak’n Texas Gobbler

Track Star

A Foggy Maine Hunt

Cuyler Hill Clucker

River Boating For Fall Turkeys

Girls, Girls, Girls

Media Kit

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Author Publicity Photo

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Sentence Description
This collection of thirty-four turkey hunting tales is a magnificent capture of personal narratives, reflections and impressions while traveling the great turkey woods across the USA.
Short Desription
Continuing where Grand Days In The Turkey Woods leaves off, acclaimed award-winning author and outdoorsman Mike Joyner gives fans Tales from the Roost: Roost'n Time Tales, a fourth inspiring and entertaining glimpse into the adventures of a turkey hunter. The perfect read for turkey hunters and outdoor enthusiasts; this collection of over thirty vignettes celebrates the art of hunting, its requisite patience, and tenacity, and the camaraderie it instills in participants of this time-honored pastime. Turkey hunting is not a spectator sport; this collection of spring and fall turkey hunting stories shares the art and timing of what it takes to seize the day. Filled with family, friends, frustrations, and fun, this fascinating collection stakes a bold claim on more than a few memorable hunts in the great turkey woods, that special place where hunters learn about themselves following the thwarting antics of the wild turkey.
Long Description
From the author of the Turkey Woods series comes Tales from the Roost: Roost'n Time Tales, an inspired collection of vignettes regarding the pursuit of wild turkeys, one of Mother Nature’s most unpredictable birds. In this latest title, acclaimed award-winning author and outdoorsman Mike Joyner provides an altogether inspired account of his mornings spent in pursuit of wild turkeys across the USA. Thirty-four stories in all, this book revels in the art of the hunt and the inspiring experiences afield. From opening day to elusive pursuits, the author’s hunting narratives are action-packed and entertaining. Each story seems to put life into its proper perspective, a place where the memories blend with Mother Nature. Where rain and wind walk hand in hand with an early spring or a late fall frost and the break of day is a welcome reminder of what is important. The excitement, the splendor, the rawness of the hunt, and the glory of the final moments are not often without humor and personal insight close at hand. The fact is: that among friends and hunting partners in the very deepest parts of the woods, a person can learn a lot from hunting the wily wild turkey.
Author Interview

Question:: This is your seventh book? What type of book is it?

Author: Technically no as I have six other conservative, inspired subject matter books and nine diiferent hunting journels in my current opfferings. However for turkeys, yes, as my first three turkey hunting story books, it is a new recollection of hunts, travels, and with those shared with others.

Question: What can readers of your first three story books expect to find different in this one?

Author: It is a collection of hunts and adventures as those other titles. The are 34 chapters of encounters from the turkey woods. I continue to improve upon recalling more detail, and finding ways to add the depth and emotion that I felt on these trips.

Question: How long did it take to the write the book? You did the book design as you did in the others?

Author: Writing took place over an expanse of eight years, with more of it done as a rough draft in the woods and back at camp on my smart phone. It is a bit of a suprise when it is actually done, ready for formatting as I have two major titles that reuires significant spanses of time to conentrate and pull in all the inputs.

Question: What can we expect next?

Author: The two big projects, D.D. Admas, and Empire Limb Hangers are continual efforts. Long over due. They are very differnt workflows that require significant research and background work. Owning a tech company has made it difficult to have weeks at a time to pull it all together for each one. Interviews are done with the idea there will be more interest in being included in future revisions. My other projects are bits and pieces that are generally self contained and random in nature,

Question: What offerings will there be, and where can they be purchased?

Author: The book is out in trade paperback, kindle e-book, laminated hardcover, and a audio book soon to follow. Books are available online at., amazon.com.